Lavender Rhododendrons provide a lush, elegant accent to any outdoor space, all year long. Huge, fragrant purple blooms will explode with grwth every spring, making your yard an incredible sight to behold. There is no match for the versatile Lavender Rhododendron, which the National Arbor Day Foundation calls one of America’s most beautiful plants.
Lavender Rhododendrons will reach mature heights of 6 to 10 feet, ideal for smaller spaces, garden accents, or foundation hedges. It keeps its glossy, leather-like leaves all year long, making this plant the perfect embellishment for every landscape design.
The Lavender Rhododendron is a drought-tolerant and highly adaptable plant, isn’t bothered by diseases or pests, and deer won’t be tempted to nibble a bite.
Hardy and low-maintenance, adding Lavender Rhododendrons will bring bursts of color to your yard, along with amazing foliage. This is one of our top-selling plants - don’t delay in ordering yours today!